Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Week 3
Сонин Сайхан Юу Байн Вэ?
whats new and weird?

My Mongolian has made huge strides this week! In our lessons with our investigators I prepare only a little bit of vocab to refresh my mind of what I want to say, rather than having a prepared script! This is fantastic, we are starting to actually be able to listen to the needs of our investigators and help them come closer to Christ!

The Holy Ghost is always present here! It is an incredible feeling. 

Last Wednesday I got to host new missionaries! It was really fun! I met an Elder Anderson going to New York, Utica Mission! We get to host tomorrow as well! Hopefully I can find and Host Elder Austin Bringhurst!!! 

I've been loving the letters and they're always appreciated! I'm working on hand writing some letters back. 

I've gotten bored of the MTC Food and have begun eating less so that I can fit in my suits for two years. haha I've been eating to the pain recently. 

I've started to plan better and am trying really hard to use my time as best as I can. I have taken on the nickname of Төлөвлөгөө батаар - Plan warrior (bataar is a common name meaning warrior... Ulaanbaatar - Red warrior). I know that the lord blesses us with all the time we need to accomplish the tasks he sets before us. And as we plan better we can better use His time and be prompted on the best ways to accomplish the tasks and trials of life.

On Sunday's devotional Stephen B. Allen Spoke and it was really great! He talked about where is our heart? As missionaries, are we fully here? I finally got the courage to get up and give a response to questions that he asked, like why am I here on a mission. I am here to invite others to come closer to God who is our Father in Heaven, and to help them to know for themselves that He does love each of us and that He knows us personally, just as a real father does.

-Ахлагч Jonathan Wilding 

Some things I forgot:
My ESL teaching training will begin in a couple of weeks. There is an online course portion for a couple of weeks then we will do a practical learning and observing and teaching portion for the last couple of weeks before we leave to Mongolia. Dad it turns out that the next batch of Mongolian Missionaries will be doing the online portion  before they come, so we just missed it. I'm super excited about helping the Mongolian people to learn English. What a valuable skill to have to help them progress in life!

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